Pastor’s Note

July/August 2024

As I sit here at the end of June and look at the months of July and August, it seems like a carpet of riches stretches out before me. July and August are usually full of the riches of sunshine and beach time and ice cream (in between times of relaxing in air-conditioned comfort), but this coming July and August also have the riches of a Free Bingo Night at Goodview Park Wednesday night July 17. We’re having this event to be out in the community and have fun with our neighbors. Our Fresh Expressions Team is organizing this free event with small prizes going to those who win.

And our 150th Anniversary Celebration is coming up on Sunday, August 18, have you heard? We’re grateful to those who are digging through their picture boxes and finding old photos of church events of the past. I just got word from Pastor Lori (my immediate predecessor) that she can come to the celebration on August 18 for our worship service followed by an ice cream social!

Look elsewhere in the newsletter about our summer choir opportunities and some of the fun Sundays coming up, including our 60s celebration on the last Sunday of our series on The Summer of Love (series runs from July 21-August 11). On Sunday, August 11, you’re encouraged to wear 60s-style clothing—tie dyed, bell bottomed, and whatever else screams the 1960s to you.

My husband and I along with our 3 sons had a delightful vacation, cruising the islands of Hawaii at the beginning of June. It was fun to be together and a relaxing and replenishing time because we took someone’s advice to not schedule something every day, but take days to just explore and wander. For the 10 days we were on Hawaii, we stuck with that schedule, by and large, of some activity one day and a day of exploring or relaxing the next. Take time to relax and explore this summer and enjoy the company of those you love.

It seems like every time I turn around another person from my extended family is having a surgery or has come down with some ailment that has them visiting the hospital. As the youngest cousin on both sides of my family, it doesn’t seem fair that those I love are getting older, but I guess it’s better than the alternative. Getting those bits of news from cousins is making me more intentional about reaching out to them and letting them know I love them.

May this summer be a time of making connections and remembering to share God’s love for all!

–Pastor Holly